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Welcome to Year 2!

St Oscar Romero… Pray for Us.

In year 2, the children learn about St Oscar Romero.
St Oscar Romero was the Archbishop of San Salvador.
He stood up for the poor communities in El Salvador and spoke out against inequality and injustice.

Class teacher: Miss Warren
Teaching assistant: Mrs Rhodes

Reading at home is an integral part of learning. We love to hear about all the fabulous authors you discover from all over the world. We will further develop the children’s knowledge and understanding of all number bond up to 20 including further developing their quick recall in both practical and written ways and ensuring the children can apply this knowledge to their calculations. We will explore place value and practice all four operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and subtraction through problem solving activities to develop fluency and reasoning skills as well as providing opportunities to master all areas of the Year 2 National Curriculum programme through a breadth of study. We will be exploring fictional texts through role play and spoken language to help the children to sequence stories and write descriptions including interesting and more ambitious vocabulary.

Spring Housekeeping Letter