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Year R

St Thomas of Canterbury … Pray for Us
In Reception, the children learn about our school Saint. Saint Thomas of Canterbury he was known for his courage, demands for justice and consideration of the poor.

Feast Day – 29th December

Our teachers are Miss Crafter on a Monday to Thursday and Miss Wright on a Friday.
Mrs De Souza is our class learning assistant.

Some of our topics this year include: Ourselves, Autumn, Festivals, Food, Life Cycles of Insects and Plants.

In our class we learn through play activities and use creativity and exploration to extend our learning. We are learning to try our best, share, care for each other and become independent children.

It is important that we know our numbers to 20, are starting to read and write as well as being able to dress ourselves, pack our bags and socialise with our peers and familiar adults.

Spring Housekeeping Letter