CAFOD Live Simply Award

We are delighted to have been awarded the CAFOD Live Simply award.
We are very proud of all of the children and staff at our school, who have been working on the Livesimply Cafod award. We are the first school in Southwark to receive this accolade and have been deemed a "beacon" school for all of our initiatives. We received this special award on the day the Vatican launched its Laudato Si' Action Plan, which included a call for Catholic schools globally to give significant attention to social justice and care of God's creation. Well done everyone and keep up the good work!

Oscar Romero Award
"Aspire not to have more but to be more" Oscar Romero
Well done to the children and staff at St Thomas of Canterbury School on being awarded the Oscar Romero Participation Award. The assessor felt, "The good work you are undertaking is to be celebrated by you all, and we look forward to seeing how you develop and evidence your continued exciting journey. Congratulations on achieving the Participator Level of the Oscar Romero Award."
The scheme is inspired by Oscar Romero, who was a 20th century Martyr who became a Saint in 2018. He inspired according to Pope Francis, "A Church for the poor". Oscar preached on the joy of charity, Catholic Social Justice and reconciliation. Our school with use his example to help deepen our faith, as we follow the example of Christ and are inspired by Oscar.
Click on the link below if you wish to find out more about Oscar Romero.
This year the whole school have been busy learning about Catholic Social Teaching. This has involved lots of reflective liturgical prayer and the most amazing art work inspired by these assemblies. Each class was given a different theme, for example; dignity, subsidiarity, creation and the environment, peace, options for the poor, the common good and solidarity.
From this starting point the class created a liturgical prayer for the whole school and community to learn from. Each CSJ has a little animal to help us understand the theme. Please look at the gorgeous art work and see if you to can be inspired and learn more about the teachings of Jesus.
Below is a link to the CSJ (Catholic Social Justice Principle's)
7 Catholic social teaching principles |